Specialists in covers and upholstery for car seats
Italian fabric made of interwoven polyester microfibers. It is durable and very pleasant to the touch. It is washable, flame retardant, antibacterial, resistant to friction, sweat and ultraviolet rays.
See our range of materials for car seat covers and seat covers
LISAS alcantara seat covers and trims
Soft and fluffy touch fabrics, similar to velvet, coated to offer greater durability and resistance. They are washable, flame retardant, antibacterial, resistant to friction, sweat and ultraviolet rays.
PERFORATED alcantara seat covers and trims
Fabrics with the same characteristics as the SMOOTH RANGE but with a perforated finish in circles or squares. They are also coated to offer greater durability and resistance. They are washable, flame retardant, antibacterial, resistant to friction, sweat and ultraviolet rays.
The perforated ones are available in the same colors as the plain ones. Here is an example with blue Alcantara.
The colors shown in the digital image of the fabric may not match the original, due to variations in the color settings of your device.